
OfxParameterSuiteV1::paramCopy — Copies one parameter to another, including any animation etc...


#include "ofxParam.h" 
OfxStatus(*paramCopy)(OfxParamHandle paramTo,
 OfxParamHandle paramFrom,
 OfxRangeD *frameRange);


  • paramTo - parameter to set
  • paramFrom - parameter to copy from
  • dstOffset - temporal offset to apply to keys when writing to the paramTo
  • frameRange - if paramFrom has animation, and frameRange is not null, only this range of keys will be copied


This copies the value of paramFrom to paramTo, including any animation it may have. All the previous values in paramTo will be lost.

To choose all animation in paramFrom set frameRange to [0, 0]

This function can be called the kOfxActionInstanceChanged action and during image effect analysis render passes.


  • Both parameters must be of the same type.
