
kOfxParamPropDefaultCoordinateSystem — Describes in which coordinate system a spatial double parameter's default value is specified.


#include "/ofxParam.h"
#define kOfxParamPropDefaultCoordinateSystem "OfxParamPropDefaultCoordinateSystem"


kOfxParamPropDefaultCoordinateSystem is of type C string, and has only a single dimension.

Property Set

This is a property that belongs to the Non normalised spatial double parameters, ie: any double param who's kOfxParamPropDoubleType is set to one of....


The default value is kOfxParamCoordinatesCanonical.

Valid Values

This must be one of

  • kOfxParamCoordinatesCanonical - the default is in canonical coords
  • kOfxParamCoordinatesNormalised - the default is in normalised coordinates


Describes in which coordinate system a spatial double parameter's default value is specified.

  • kOfxParamDoubleTypeX
  • kOfxParamDoubleTypeXAbsolute
  • kOfxParamDoubleTypeY
  • kOfxParamDoubleTypeYAbsolute
  • kOfxParamDoubleTypeXY
  • kOfxParamDoubleTypeXYAbsolute

This allows a spatial param to specify what its default is, so by saying normalised and "0.5" it would be in the 'middle', by saying canonical and 100 it would be at value 100 independent of the size of the image being applied to.