
kOfxImageEffectPropUnmappedFrameRange — The unmaped frame range over which an output clip has images.


#include "/ofxImageEffect.h"
#define kOfxImageEffectPropUnmappedFrameRange "OfxImageEffectPropUnmappedFrameRange"


kOfxImageEffectPropUnmappedFrameRange is of type double, and has 2 dimensions.

Property Set

This is a property that belongs to the clip instance (read only).


The unmaped frame range over which an output clip has images.

Dimension 0 is the first frame for which the clip can produce valid data.

Dimension 1 is the last frame for which the clip can produce valid data.

If a plugin changes the output frame rate in the pixel preferences action, it will affect the frame range of the output clip, this property allows a plugin to get to the original value.