
kOfxImageEffectPropSequentialRenderStatus — Property on all the render action that indicate the current sequential render status of a host


#include "/ofxImageEffect.h"
#define kOfxImageEffectPropSequentialRenderStatus "OfxImageEffectPropSequentialRenderStatus"


kOfxImageEffectPropSequentialRenderStatus is of type int, and has only a single dimension.

Property Set

This is a property that belongs to the read only property on the inArgs of the following actions....

Valid Values

  • 0 - the host is not currently sequentially rendering,
  • 1 - the host is currentely rendering in a way so that it guarantees sequential rendering.


Property on all the render action that indicate the current sequential render status of a host

This property is set to indicate whether the effect is currently being rendered in frame order on a single effect instance. See kOfxImageEffectInstancePropSequentialRender for more details on sequential rendering.