
kOfxImageEffectPropPixelDepth — Indicates the type of each component in a clip or image (after any mapping)


#include "/ofxImageEffect.h"
#define kOfxImageEffectPropPixelDepth "OfxImageEffectPropPixelDepth"


kOfxImageEffectPropPixelDepth is of type string, and has only a single dimension.

Property Set

This is a property that belongs to the clip instance (read only), image instance (read only).

Valid Values

This must be one of

  • kOfxBitDepthNone (implying a clip is unconnected, not valid for an image)
  • kOfxBitDepthByte
  • kOfxBitDepthShort
  • kOfxBitDepthFloat


Indicates the type of each component in a clip or image (after any mapping)

Note that for a clip, this is the value set by the clip preferences action, not the raw 'actual' value of the clip.