Class List

Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
OfxHostGeneric host structure passed to OfxPlugin::setHost function
OfxImageEffectSuiteV1The OFX suite for image effects
OfxInteractSuiteV1OFX suite that allows an effect to interact with an openGL window so as to provide custom interfaces
OfxMemorySuiteV1The OFX suite that implements general purpose memory management
OfxMessageSuiteV1The OFX suite that allows a plug-in to pass messages back to a user. The V2 suite extends on this in a backwards compatible manner
OfxMessageSuiteV2The OFX suite that allows a plug-in to pass messages back to a user
OfxMultiThreadSuiteV1OFX suite that provides simple SMP style multi-processing
OfxParameterSuiteV1The OFX suite used to define and manipulate user visible parameters
OfxParametricParameterSuiteV1The OFX suite used to define and manipulate 'parametric' parameters
OfxPluginThe structure that defines a plug-in to a host
OfxPointDDefines two dimensional double point
OfxPointIDefines two dimensional integer point
OfxProgressSuiteV1A suite that provides progress feedback from a plugin to an application
OfxPropertySuiteV1The OFX suite used to access properties on OFX objects
OfxRangeDDefines one dimensional double bounds
OfxRangeIDefines one dimensional integer bounds
OfxRectDDefines two dimensional double region
OfxRectIDefines two dimensional integer region
OfxRGBAColourBDefines an 8 bit per component RGBA pixel
OfxRGBAColourDDefines a double precision floating point component RGBA pixel
OfxRGBAColourFDefines a floating point component RGBA pixel
OfxRGBAColourSDefines a 16 bit per component RGBA pixel
OfxRGBColourBDefines an 8 bit per component RGB pixel
OfxRGBColourFDefines a floating point component RGB pixel
OfxRGBColourSDefines a 16 bit per component RGB pixel
OfxTimeLineSuiteV1Suite to control timelines
OfxYUVAColourBDefines an 8 bit per component YUVA pixel
OfxYUVAColourFDefines an floating point component YUVA pixel
OfxYUVAColourSDefines an 16 bit per component YUVA pixel

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  1. Redistributions of the document must retain the above copyright notice and this list of conditions.
  2. Neither the name of The Open Effects Association Ltd nor names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission.
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