
OfxImageEffectSuiteV1::clipGetRegionOfDefinition — Returns the spatial region of definition of the clip at the given time


#include "ofxImageEffect.h" 
  OfxRectD *bounds);


  • clip -
  • time -
  • bounds -


An image is fetched from a clip at the indicated time for the given region and returned in the imageHandle.

If the region parameter is not set to NULL, then it will be clipped to the clip's Region of Definition for the given time. The returned image will be m at m least as big as this region. If the region parameter is not set, then the region fetched will be at least the Region of Interest the effect has previously specified, clipped the clip's Region of Definition.


  • clipHandle was returned by clipGetHandle


  • bounds will be filled the RoD of the clip at the indicated time


  • kOfxStatOK - the image was successfully fetched and returned in the handle,
  • kOfxStatFailed - the image could not be fetched because it does not exist in the clip at the indicated time, the plugin

should continue operation, but assume the image was black and transparent.