
kOfxImagePropRowBytes — The number of bytes in a row of an image.


#include "/ofxImageEffect.h"
#define kOfxImagePropRowBytes "OfxImagePropRowBytes"


kOfxImagePropRowBytes is of type integer, and has only a single dimension.

Property Set

This is a property that belongs to the an image instance (read only).


The number of bytes in a row of an image.

For various alignment reasons, a row of pixels may need to be padded at the end with several bytes before the next row starts in memory.

This property indicates the number of bytes in a row of pixels. This will be at least sizeof(PIXEL) (bounds.x2-bounds.x1). Where bounds is fetched from the kOfxImagePropBounds property.

Note that row bytes can be negative, which allows hosts with a native top down row order to pass image into OFX without having to repack pixels.